Thursday, March 04, 2004


Cooking for losers. It's on a winner.

Another great anti-cooking cooking blog.

Does that make sense? Well, it's all about cooking ... but cooking for losers. Which we have all been, at some stage in our lives - like when you move out of home and suddenly discover that even though you have no money, you still need to eat to, like, stay alive.

So. You've got your shake and bake (easiest recipe ever), your tempeh fries and your stew. Your morning after french toast (panic, there's a visitor!) and your weird pizza thing involving a jar of alfredo. Sounds like a 3am recipe I made once.

So no smart-ass french names and no crap. And even though these guys are just having a bit of fun, it's more than just a parody - the recipes are all quite usable and the site makes a refreshing change from the pompous rubbish you read elsewhere about food.

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