Sunday, March 28, 2004


I have to know how many blogs there are. Or I might go and live on a Pacific Island.

Um, is anyone counting blogs?

I enjoy reviewing them but I wouldn't know where to start finding out how many actually exist.

I suspect there may be around twice the number of weblogs now as there were when the Lost Blogs Home began way back in ... in ... oh, February. Gosh, that was a long time ago!

I'd like to see the J-curve or bell curve or whatever it is mathematicians use to demonstrate phenomena like this.

I guess it goes like this: early days of blogging, gradual but even rise. 2003, massive spike.

Now. Due to the novelty factor of blogs reaching mainstream awareness, we can deduce there will be a greater percentage rate of attrition accompanying that huge spike last year. So, out of all the people who set up weblogs from say, October 2003, many will lose interest fast.

Mathematicians will need to decide on some ground rules. For example, how do you calculate the total number of blogs - do you include or exclude blogs that have been inactive for some time ... six months, twelve months? Blogs that only had one entry? 'Mistake' or 'test' blogs?

I have a need to quantify things like this. Like counting books in a library and how many times they have been borrowed or read.

I don't know. Who knows? I want answers.

While I'm waiting for answers, I visited the following blog.

Just imagine: you leave work, you give all your stuff to your friends, you sell your car, and then out of the atlas, you pick somewhere real nice to go live, where there's like sunshine and banana juice all day, and you like, go live there!

It must be easy to do, because this guy did it.
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