Sunday, April 04, 2004


What have the romans ever done for us?

I don't know. Ask this guy, who has a 'Magister Mundi Sum' masthead, an SPQR permalink and frequent Latin phrase sign-offs. Cool.

With a Nader for President banner together with links to the Republican Party and the National Rifle Association, you can't exactly pin him down on his allegiances; but you'll have fun trying.

Astronomy, performing arts, aeronautics, philosophy, religion, a Science Olympiad, history, engineering, the Great War Flying Museum ....

I'm surprised he has time to blog, and yes, there has been a slight hiatus [L., fr. hiare, hiatum, to gape; akin to E. yawn.] lately.

Oh. Take the What D&D Character Are You? quiz. I'm a Good Lawful Human Fighter Traveller or some such.

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