Wednesday, May 26, 2004


Rants and ants.

ShaeSin is Ranting Virgo.

She says: 'I hate it when my blogging friends (ahem, Sean and Brian) don't post things to their blogs.'

I hate that too. I mean, how inconsiderate! Blog, friends, BLOG! I tell you. It is your responsibility as a ... as a ... blogger. And a friend.

ShaeSin confesses: 'Okay, so I have maybe 4 websites a day I visit. That's it. Half of them are mine, because I'm weird, and am constantly re-reading my stuff for typos.'

ShaeSin, having more than one blog does not make you weird, nor does re-reading them, OK? We all do it. Well, some of us do it. Well, The Ranger does it. Typos hpapen. And if you don'r re-raed yuor bolg htey reporduce.

And then: 'But these few sites I visit have links to sites they visit, which have links to sites they visit. It can get way out of hand if you start to delve in. I may be delving in. It may get out of hand.'

Ha! We're all delving in. It's like that strange dream (or was it a movie?) where you visit someone and there's an interesting door in the hallway behind which are more interesting doors and more doors and more doors and you end up who knows where ...

Cool. Read about the ant invasion - (Operation Purple Rain, May 19 - hyperlink not working) - I can identify. (Genuine ant anecdote: someone I once worked with had such a bad ant problem at their art studio, they had to suspend their packed lunch in a small plastic bucket on a string attached to the ceiling. One day, the ants found the lunch.)

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