Tuesday, May 25, 2004


Stop me if you've heard this before.

The Ranger doesn't get out much. Too many blogs to review. He just takes the dog for a walk occasionally.

So it's no wonder he misses things. Fortunately, he has a range of reliable bloggers to keep him up to date.

One such example is the following site which he found on a previously reviewed blog, Book Kitten.

Check out Book a Minute and you can digest a world of literature in minutes. It's very funny. The Ranger, who read Animal Farm in one sitting on New Year's Eve, 1972 (true story!), particularly enjoyed the two versions provided here, one for each 'level' on which you read the George Orwell novel. The Ranger was kind of in between levels at the tender age at which he read the book.

(Speaking of digesting, it's a funny thing, but although The Ranger observed, years ago, that while many folks had entire bookshelves of Readers' Digest Condensed Books, he never recalls anyone actually reading them.)

Finally, apologies if you have seen this before, worldy-wise bloggers everywhere!
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