Sunday, June 20, 2004


Would you like a bag with that?

Tim is Retail Blog, a very amusing record of working in a store.

Which would be great, except for the customers.

So you're working in a store, when someone you knew at school suddenly recognises you.

The post on that was so good, I'm going to quote part of it verbatim (pun intended):

Good-looking Stranger: Tim?
Me: (thinking they look familiar but horrible with names) Yeah...?
Jeanette: Jeanette MacGillicuddy from Mr. Wilson's algebra class! Wow, I thought that was you!
Me: Oh, uh...yeah., what have you been up to?
Jeanette: Well, after high school I went to the UCLA and majored in marine biology and Nepalese Veterinary Science. But I decided it wasn't my thing so I got a job lying on the beach in Italy counting money. Then I met my husband and we had two beautiful children who never misbehave. They're out in the Benz, reading Tolstoy to prepare for kindergarten. So what have you been up to?
Me: Ummm...This.
Jeanette: Haha! Oh, you're so funny. Helping out here for the Christmas rush? Really, what was your major?
Me: Film.
Jeanette: Oh, that must be exciting! Do you live in Hollywood?
Me: I still live here in this shitty one-horse town. I hate LA. Wouldn't move there if my life depended on it. I wasted my time getting the degree, it left me in debt up to my scalp, and I never married either, so let me beat you to the punch on that one. Every day is a struggle not to end it all. But hey, good to see you!

Visit Retail Blog. And never diss a sales clerk again.

And by the way, Tim has written THE killer record review line of the year: Loretta’s great new album, while a bit more electric than I’d expect from a woman in her 70s, is not heavy metal by a long shot.
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